Monday, March 15, 2010

Keepers DAY 7

Well, this weekend was pretty good as far as writing goals and projects go. I had a book signing at Barnes & Noble on Saturday for my latest book, When Forever Doesn't Last. I was part of a four-author signing event and overall it went pretty well. And like other book signings we didn't sell many books to people that we didn't know and invite to the signing. That part wasn't disappointing. The disappointing part was the lack of B&N staff to talk with and "sell" our books to. You see, the others signings I have done resulted in about the same sales outcome: not very many. But the saving grace of the Seagull Book signings was the exposure and time to interact with the manager and sales staff. They are the ones that are going to sell your book long after you've left the store. But there was none of that at B&N. In fact, I got the feeling that many of the sales associates really didn't even want us around.

But this weekend was not all bad. I took time yesterday to finish my reading and review of the new screenplay for a movie that is in the process of being re-made. The same producer that is working toward making Lifted Up into a movie asked me to look at his screenplay and offer any thoughts and suggestions I had on it. Now all I need to to do is get them all down in a Notes version of Word and shoot it back over to him. At this point I don't think there's any money in it, but I would be happy (thrilled, actually) to just have a screen credit.

But anyway, today is the day I should start actually writing the next book. I have everything prepared and prepped, and today is a light day at work. The invitation has been sent and notice giving...let's see if my Muse decides to show up for a visit.

So let it be written...

so let it be done.

Word Count (0) (+0)

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