Friday, March 19, 2010

Keepers DAY 11

Yesterday was a little tougher writing than the other days. This was the introduction chapter to the "bad guy" and as I place such a high esteem on the villain of a story, I really wanted to make it right. I had it outlined, and I knew what I wanted to write, but the outline notes didn't really have enough for an entire chapter. And therein was my mistake. I tried to force it to be longer at this early stage of the process instead of just writing what I wanted to / needed to and let the rest come afterwards. What happened was a forced couple of hours last night trying to "build the plane" as it was flying. Though not entirely without success, I didn't even get to the "good" part that revealed the villain for who he was before I had to close up shop for the night. So this morning I might work for a little bit and try to finish up what I had written yesterday.

Also, I didn't get / take a lunch break yesterday and my afternoon was pretty busy with people at work. I didn't get a lot of time there. It seemed that the burst of inspiration happened on the train on the way home. It just didn't "flow" yesterday as well as it has before. Oh well, that was yesterday. Today is today.

I have to admit, a thought has crossed my mind this week that my ambitious goal may be a bit out of reach. Sure, the goal of 200o words a day is a worthy goal and keeps the process alive and moving at breakneck speed, but as Stephen King shared this schedule of his I am pretty sure he wasn't working full time, taking the train to and from work, leaving at 7:15am and not returning until 6:00pm. He may have had a little more time during the day to fit in his 4 hours. And though part of me would like to scale back the schedule (to, say, 1000 words a day), the other part, the louder part, would just like to push through, suffer for a month or two, and get it done. If I could write two books a year, the royalties might start to add up and be more consistent. This is the goal, after all. This is the plan. Both Natalie and I feel it. I just don't want the family to suffer for it.

I will take a lunch today, for sure.

So let it be written...

so let it be done.

Word Count: 7742 (+1692)

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