Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Keepers DAY 37

Not much to add today. We are short handed at work this week and I find that on these days I end up not even taking a lunch. (I have a great team and they are helping with the work load, but I feel guilty even taking a lunch break when I know someone else is helping with/doing my work.)

I have just finished up the last of the "setting up" chapters. The story line is established, the characters are somewhat fleshed out, and now comes the "hard" part of them all interacting and dealing with each other. I have the skeleton outline done and will be relying on it for guidance but this is the stage where the characters start taking on a life of their own.

As for my typing schedule, I've not typed so far this week. Tonight is another softball game but Natalie said she'd go, which means I need to take full advantage of the time and type my little fingers off.

So let it be written...

so let it be done.

Word Count: 31,320 (+0)

1 comment:

  1. Thought you might want to check out my friend, Anthony Huso's, blog as well:

    He is chronicling his writing adventures much like you. He's working toward deadlines for Tor on his dark fantasy books.

    Keep up the good work!
