Thursday, April 8, 2010

Keepers DAY 31

I am finding out that the word "balance" does not mean finding time to do everything I would like to. In most instances, balance means trading off, exchanging, and prioritizing what needs to be done. Like yesterday (and other days since starting this book project). I wrote a great deal (handwritten), but had my daughter's softball game to attend (and pick her up from), then after dinner just had 45 minutes until the kids' bedtime, so I spent a little time with them on Wii Fit, then, when Natalie got home (from book club) we were both exhausted, so we went to bed early. And then tonight: Today is my daughter's birthday. She's 13! We have a small friends party planned this afternoon and evening, and then a family party tomorrow night. With work taking up my whole day, I'm not sure when I'm going to fit in typing. But tonight might just have to be a Mountain Dew night, even if the family has already gone to bed.

I guess that's what balance means.

So let it be written...

so let it be done.

Word Count: 26,685 (+0)

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