As the title explains, I have some confessions about the movie, Twilight. Now, I do want to make it clear that in no way do I change my thoughts and opinions of the books (those that I actually read) but that this commentary (confessions, actually) is about the movie.
And the confession is: I actually liked it.
Natalie has been a fan of the books and has seen the movie at least two other times (that I am aware of...but come to think of it, she did come home from a church meeting or two smelling like buttered popcorn. Hmmm...) but we decided to wait until it hit the dollar show before setting out together. Of course, we actually waited until the weekend the movie was released on DVD to venture to the theaters, and were lucky that it was still playing.
Now, I will admit that I did read Twilight a few months ago, more out of a professional/writer curiosity than anything else--what is Stephanie Myers doing right that I am not? (It turns out that she knows a thing or two about teenage "girl stuff" that I, and my male counterparts, are ignorantly unaware of.)
The movie had one thing going for it that the book didn't--something actually happened in the movie! The teenage drama was there, but there wasn't 300 pages of it before something happened. Im talking about action! Now, granted, there wasn't much, but it was more than the books, and for that I was grateful. I thought the love story was satisfying, and the dialoge realistic (as much as you can between a gothic/moody human and a perpetually youthful vampire). I thought the casting was done well. I thought that the actress that played Bella was well chosen and portrayed a pretty yet "gir next door" character. Edward had to grow on me, but by the end I was taken by his character, as well. And then there is that perfect line: "Your scent, it's like a drug to me. You're like my own personal brand of heroin." Classic! in a somewhat inappropriate-for-teenagers way.
So am I less of a man for admitting this? Perhaps. But I have to give credit where credit is due.
Until next time...
8 years ago
I must confess - I was drawn into the books and devoured all four of them. On my trip out of the country last Fall I read The Host from beginning to end - I loved it. I really enjoy Myers' writing style, and I was mesmerized by the movie. There were times in the Twilight series where I commented to my wife that a guy would "never say that to another guy", etc., so I'm on board with you, sir! There was some sappiness, but I was willing to forgive it because of the compelling storyline. I think Myers' writing really appeals to the Romantics out there in reader-land, and I am certainly an incurable romantic. Romantics unite!